Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Moran Speaks Again

Once again Obama the King attempts to rewrite history and the function of the supreme court. Over the last twenty plus years the supreme court has struck down a number of laws as they violated the constitution. It is scary to remember this clown taught Constitutional Law and after listening to him, it makes you wonder what constitution he was teaching. Does anyone know of a special constitution the rest of us do not that allows the king to do whatever he wants. I must have missed that during my college class on American Government.

One of the saddest things now is that the younger people of America are no longer taught accurate American History and many schools do not teach the constitution at all. So long as the liberal part of america can get away without teaching our children the history of our country and constitution, our freedoms will slowly disappear. When that happens and people realize they are no longer free people, I suspect violence will begin. At one time we had to fight for our freedom and that time may come again so be ready. We all hope and pray that it doesn't but at this moment in time our freedom is hanging in the balance.

Should the supreme court uphold the mandate, it will be only the start of a faster erosion of  freedom. For years we have been slowly watching big brother get bigger and this will be allowed by Americans for only so long before something happens we don't want.

Wake up America as time for freedom is very short should we continue in this direction.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...