Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Protesters

What is the difference between the Tea Party and the Occupy protesters? It is something called class which the protesters will never be able to understand. If anyone watches the Tonight Show and has seen Jaywalking, knows what they (protesters) are to stupid to understand what they are protesting for. So many of the people are not able to express themselves as to what they want except "free housing, free college education, jobs they don't have to be qualified for (like Obama) jobs, and everything else the government can GIVE them. This generation is one of the worst educated (based on jaywalking) as so many have no idea how many states make up the US, kind of like Obama. When you look at it that way, you understand why they support him.

From what I have seen on the net, there have been rapes, drug usage, public defection/urination (what class), robbery, and more. Why would anyone except some more losers listen of follow this group. Obama and Pelosi praised them as true Americans speaking their minds. I am for free speech but not law breakers and they should be dealt with. In Oakland, CA you have a candy ass mayor who allowed law breaking and supported this mob. That is not surprising as most people believe California is another country anyway.

The protesters need to stand in front of the White House along with Freddie and Fannie as that is where our trouble started and then spread to wall street. Where was the government oversight and that means BOTH parties? Our elected officials turned a blind eye on how  Fannie/Freddie operated and what was going on that allowed the garbage to move on Wall Street.

Remember, it is NOT the government that caused the protesters to be mad. It was PEOPLE who failed to do their jobs. Can anyone name some of those who caused this that went to jail?    

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