Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Had to Comment

I have found it very difficult to write since I lost my wife to Ovarian Cancer and unable to focus. After listening to the governor of LA I had to say something.

He was on one of the news shows this am and talking about how the government can not create jobs and I fully agree it is the private sector that we should look to for job creation, not big brother. He was asked why he supports Rick Perry as they were speaking about jobs being created and how the Obama administration can not create jobs. In the next breath he said he supports Perry because he created all those jobs in TX. I'm sorry but this is crap. How in the hell does he bitch about the federal government not creating jobs and in the same interview he supports Perry for doing what he said government can't do. I'm sorry but you can't have it bother ways for an election.

Until both parties start telling the truth no one will believe anything they say and that is the best. Politicians and lawyers are both the same, they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Far to many Americans listen to both sides and believe everything they say. A great deal of this country is damn near brain dead and better wake up before the next election and decide if they want freedom. If you want big brother to take care of you from birth to death, vote for the socialists who are in Washington now.

If you want freedom as our country was founded on, vote that way or don't bitch about what happens. Believe no one and research answers for yourself.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...