Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama Strikes Again

Screw the Law, Screw the Congress and Stick the Immigration Laws. From what I have read on the net tonight, it appears in the wisdom of his high ass, Obama is going to ignore the wishes of the people, Congress and allow illegals stay to in the country so long as they get good grades.To hell with the congress as they no longer matter and the people, forget them, the messiah knows better. Remember he was a Community Organizer and the "Dream Act" is coming. Now he is again bypassing the congress as this SOB knows better. After breaking the bankruptcy laws and not providing for the bonds holders but taking care of his union voters what do you expect? Follow the law, not if it gets in his way.

What I don't understand is allowing him to break the bankruptcy laws and nothing happens. This so called leader is the weakest excuse for a president I have ever seen or heard of. I always thought Jimmy carter was bad but this organizer is far worse. From my time is St Louis and listening to Chicago politics, he has brought that to the white house and turned it into a cesspool of politicians.

We have all heard of or known an "Empty Suit" at one time or another. King of the Empty Suits resides in the white house for now. He and his group of clowns have attempted to destroy our country and if they remain, it WILL happen. The 2012 election is coming and I expect it to be filled with nothing but dirt as he can not run on his record. If he was in a third world county, he would have been overthrown and removed from power.

Do any of you remember him swearing to 'Defend the Constitution"? Will, that was a lie and he is a liar as he has done everything he can to shred it and believes it is no longer valid. He needs to go and go the American Way, VOTE THE SOB OUT. We can and will vote the SOB out and restore our country to what it has always been, Exceptional.

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Time is Almost Up and Mark Levin will Come for You when You Leave

Biden/Obama/Susan Rice/Kirby/Blinken and the rest of the swamp needs to go. They support Hamas and the killing of Jews just the same as Hitl...