Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blame for Shutdown? The Three Stooges - Obama, Nancy & Harry Should Look in The Mirror

The blame game has started and Democrats blame Republicans, get real. We are talking about the budget for 2010 and if my memory serves me correctly, the democrats were in charge of the congress and senate. As the Starkist Tuna queen (Nancy) was the speaker in 2010, can anyone tell us why she didn't get the 2010 budget done? Obama I believe was supposedly the president then and now wants to blame republicans for his inability to have HIS congress/Senate pass the budget they were elected to do.

During the Bush administration they spent like the well of money was endless. We the conservatives and independent voters never elected Bush to bury us in debt but he did along with many elected republicans. Some of the ones who created this during those years are gone and yet some remain. Those that remain had better get on board with the hard choices that are going to be made or leave.

People believed Obama would bring change to Washington and voted for him not realizing or too deaf to listen to what he was saying. He warned us what was coming in many speeches but so many of you wanted to elect a black man as you felt it was time. The only problem with that was who he was. Our country did not need a community organizer as president but a leader with experience to solve our problems.

Since his election things have only gone downhill with more debt, another conflict that we pay for, less support from our allies and our economy in worse condition then I have ever seen. To think Obama is running again is scaring the hell out of me. The liar and many of his closest supporter's believe he is doing a wonderful job. If a wonderful job means high unemployment, millions in foreclosure, continued government waste then yes he is wonderful. The next shoe to drop will be high inflation and it is here now but not reported as fuel/food prices are not included in many reports. Remember, Gas was $1.83 when elected and now $3.63 but not counted for inflation.

Look at one of the older pieces on this blog to see the cost of items when he was elected and where they are now. One politician once asked during a campaign, "Are You Better Off Now Then You Were Four Ago" and that can be used again.

Two words that scare the hell out of liberals is "TEA PARTY" and that is due to the silent majority waking the hell up and saying "ENOUGH". Our government and that means Democrats and Republicans have pissed away our money not theirs. There was once a poll taken of Americans and 39% believed the government had their own money. Does that mean 39% of those Americans polled are that stupid? Yes it does and that alone is scary.

The rest of us better wake and vote to take back our government to vote the spenders out. Make a choice and try to remember what this country was founded on.

Individual freedom, not government control.

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