Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Moment of Silence, America Has Died

Where has America gone? At one time there was a country known for freedom, defender of the weak, and champion of the oppressed. That country died a long time ago and we need a moment of silence as no one noticed when it happened.

We watch now as the people of Libya who challenged a dictator for freedom and this once great country stood by as we watched them die while waiting for the world to do something. The world did something, they let them die. Can anyone explain why we waited for the UN while civilians were being bombed or shot because they wanted freedom? Who gave the UN the right to decide who lives and who dies? Forgot, America gave up its right to help those who long for freedom to a bunch of hand wringers. Since the UN was founded has anything gotten better or has it gotten where no one is blamed for anything? Everyone can now take a pass and claim "The UN Must Take Action" as it is world problem. Why should countries like China or Russia be able to tell us who to help and who doesn't get help?

America at one time would not have allowed this to happen but America as we knew her passed away a long time ago. Maybe we should blame the current administration for this as maybe President Reagan would have said enough and told Libya to cease killing civilians or pay the price. Remember he bombed them once for far less and I don't think he would have hesitated to do so again.

Obama has always disappeared during these time so why should we expect anything different. I feel sorry for America as it is now a second rate country and heading toward a third. Can this be turned around, don't know as our elected leaders can't even get our financial house in order.

What this has shown the world and our allies is that Obama can not be counted on and may be a coward. He is afraid to act for the right reasons and reacts for the wrong reasons. Does anyone remember him opening his mouth about how the police reacted? He tends to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

I want to apologize to the people of Libya who wanted freedom for their country and let them know someday we will have a new president. At that time maybe we will have the courage to help. America, England, and France should be ashamed of themselves for letting this happen. At one time these countries would have gone it alone and to the hell with the rest of the gutless countries. Does anyone remember WWII where these powers fought a great evil without asking permission from anyone?


Anonymous said...

Well, miracles do happen and the world got off its collective ass in time to save a few people, maybe. After three weeks of gutless inaction the pillars of freedom, England, France and the US along with others said enough to the killing.

Anonymous said...

From Deathknell:
No other nation in history has sunk as culturally low as amerikwa. History shows that the only solution is internal demographic fracture into cohesive provinces--balkanization--or external plunder. There is no renaissance possible. It will be brutally Darwinian and many rural americans are armed with standard Hizbollah-style weaponry caches in preparation for the conflagration. If you must die, take as many souls of your oppressors with you.
America is not merely dead, it is a decomposing carcass with a putrid stench. Rest in Hell, multi-cultural-ever-softening nation of confusion!

D. Walker said...

Dear Deathknell

Your comment was unusual to say the least and the spelling of "Hezbollah" needs to be checked in your comment. I want to thank you for writing and expressing your view. While we may agree with it, I believe you have the right to express it here.

D. Walker said...

Your comment was unusual to say the least and the spelling of "Hezbollah" needs to be checked in your comment. I want to thank you for writing and expressing your view. While we may NOT agree with it, I believe you have the right to express it here.



 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...