Wednesday, October 6, 2010

JayWalking and Education

How many of us have watched the Jay Leno show and couldn't believe just how stupid so many people are. If I was to guess the percentage of correct answers, it may not exceed 10%. This is from collage students, teachers, actors (I understand that), painters, bank workers and I found these folks covered all walks of life. There was a greater percentage of people from their mid forties and down that had no idea as to h.

Some of the questions were very hard such as "Who is the Vice President? Person being asked had no clue. Other questions were "who is this a picture of? George Washington was the correct answer but again, no clue. This went on and on until I started to realize some of these idiots may become a leader of our country and they were as smart as a "Pet Rock". Remember a Pet Rock could be told to "Sit" and it would, FOREVER.

Our education system is and has been broke ever since we allowed the inmates to take over along with the bed wetters from the 70's. A number of years ago I was working in Daytona Beach, Florida on the remodel of the Volusia County Mall and met a very attractive young lady in the construction trailer. She was the secretary for the contractor and I inquired why she was working here. She said she was a teacher but quit because some pencil neck principle had attempted to FORCE her to pass some students who had failed. She refused and left the teaching profession because these students were not able to read and write correctly. She stated she was not alone in being forced to pass children who couldn't read and write.

What makes this very sad is her mother was a teacher and she wanted to follow in her footsteps in teaching the children what they were going to need in life. The Volusia County School Board decided it was easy to replace her and move along kids that weren't ready and would only move along to fail  again.

Our government wants to spend more money on education but that has not helped in 20+ years. Until the teachers are held responsible  for quality teaching nothing will change. Until the teachers are tested to learn IF they are qualified nothing will change.

We can't place all the blame on teachers as a great deal rests with the parents. So many are no longer involved in the kids schooling  until something has gone wrong. I hear talking heads like Geraldo and others say the teacher better not lay a hand on  his little darling if they are misbehaving. I know many of us old folks remember being swatted in elementary school and most of us turned out very well. I bet even Geraldo was swatted and he didn't turn out to bad. No, I don't believe in beating kids but some times a swat can be useful.

How many of you went to a Catholic school? I had many friends that did and some of those Nuns beat the hell out of some kids. Based on what some said back in the day, it sounded pretty bad. Once in seventh grade I had a music teacher knock me out of my desk because a number of us were disrupting his class. He crossed the line that day and another student challenged him as the teacher was going after him next.

Something like I mention above crossed that line from corporal punishment to beating a child. The classroom has become a battle ground and the students who want to learn can't because of the very few who want to cause trouble. Money thrown at this IS NOT GOING TO HELP until the teachers can control the classroom again.

Remember, to get the schools working again is pretty simple.

Get qualified teachers and help them stay current in their qualifications

Get the classrooms under control


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