Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Young Voters, Read The Constitution and decide if you Want Freedom of Choice or Not When you Vote

Obama is out on the campaign trail lying to the young Americans so he can get their votes again. Just how stupid are these young people to follow this joke of a so called president. This clown is going surpass Jimmy the peanut farmer as the worst president ever. If our country survives him being in office it will be a miracle. He has done more to destroy the constitution then all the presidents before him.

I'm not sure any young people even know what the constitution is as it is no longer taught in school as it only gets in the way of the liberals/socialists want to do. When you read (if you can read) the constitution, you may start to ask, "What has happened and where are my freedoms"?

Well folks, some of your freedoms may be gone forever because the liberals (progressives now) have written new rules and changed how these rules work. The liberals have bypassed congress and how the government was designed to work. We use to have three branches of government, now we have maybe two if we are lucky. The Judicial Branch is being taken over by the appointment of Liberal (progressive) Judges that no longer follow the constitution but make up laws as they go. Congress lost there balls when Obama (most liberal senator) was elected. I think congress was afraid to stand up to the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT as they were afraid of being called racists. I will write about the racists nonsense at another time.

Congress was designed to write laws but someone took their balls and they have surrendered their responsibility to the Obama Czar's. Can anyone show me where in the constitution does it mention Czar's? Under Obama the various departments can introduce new rules that become laws without having to go through congress.

I can only hope the young votes in American take the time to think about what Obama is doing (government becoming big brother) to YOUR freedom of choice as if this doesn't stop, American will no longer be a free country.

My father predicted another revolution would have to take place to restore liberty and the constitution once again. If this movement to socialism doesn't stop and our liberties continue to erode, I see it coming.

Remember, our armed forces took an oath to

This also means our setting government.

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