Sunday, November 22, 2009

Buying and Selling your Vote, Thanks Mary

Well, what everyone knew about Washington politics has come front and center with the vote buying for health care of the Democrat party. I can't remember a more blatant exercise of vote selling then what took place with Mary Sen. Landrieu who Voted for the Motion to Proceed.

Her vote was purchased for $100 million in added Medicaid money for her state which was included in the measure. This is plain vote buying no matter how you slice. Washington stinks of corruption and "We the People" need to vote not only Sen. Landrieu out but ALL the slime who are so arrogant to think they know "How to Take Care of US". We don't need babysitters in Washington to take care of us, we need them to get the hell out of our way and stop burying us in debt we can never pay.

Senator Lincoln, from Ark has this quote as to her vote, “My first loyalties are with the people of Arkansas,” she said. “Not insurance companies, the health care industry or my political party.”

Lets have a show of hands of those who believe her, lets see, 2 votes, that was hers and Pryor. Voting yes from a conservative state like Arkansas, is not good for getting re-elected.

At what point do we say enough and get rid of these arrogant bastards who want to control our lives and dictate to us what do every waking moment of our lives. Our country is slowly becoming a dictatorship and it must stop before the American people once again raise up and fight back. I am concerned that if the government doesn't stop taking our freedoms, the American people will be backed into a corner. When Americans can no longer endure government intrusion into their lives, it will turn ugly. If this happens, it will be the fault of the voter for voting in these people in. Your are voting to give up your freedom and many Americans are too stupid to know or just to lazy to be free.

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