Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Where is the Stimulas Money?

As a person who is very familiar with the construction industry (builders, engineers, architects) and have spoken to many, I finally realized why the money is not flowing. Obama and his administration is holding up the process so they can spread the funds around during an election year. This administration is more concerned about the 2010 election then getting the funds into the various states that have JOB READY projects.

Just in the last three days I have found not less then five major projects that are being held up in Florida for lack of Stimulus Funds. Engineering firms that do work for the state are laying off workers as the stimulus funds are being held. This not only harms the states but hundreds of workers who need work now, not next year. Obama claims he has saved thousand of jobs all the while unemployment climbs. Indians would say he "speak with forked tongue". I'll just call him a liar and I think everyone will get the point.

People need to understand that next year when jobs and projects start happening, it could have stated the previous year except for the 2010 election and the buying of votes. Obama and his administration will claim credit and yet these are the same people who could have put thousands back to work long ago. Yes they should get the credit for keeping people out of work longer just in the hope of getting more votes.

Thanks Barry (Obama), we will remember what you and the democratic congress have done.
Our new motto should be:
Obama Free America 2010:
Vote 2010 for Lower Taxes, Smaller Government

Elect people who listen to the voters, not people who think they are the chosen ones. We are sick of the chosen ones and we all know who they are. These are the ones who get elected and never leave. Their egos won't allow them to do what is right because they forgot their jobs were meant to be temp jobs, not jobs forever.

Remember John Danforth, he was elected to the senate and stepped aside after a number of years to open the way for others to serve. Fred Thompson did the same and I'm sure there are others.

To all watch the movie "Dave" and you will see how a honest president should care about his country. I can't remember if we have ever had someone like that. Just a dream.

Sorry folks, got off in a rant.

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