Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hosed Again By Uncle Sammy

Bend over grab your ankles my fellow Americans as your uncle has hosed you again in the name of saving the economy. What crap this one is. The same idiots that caused the first branch to fall (Fannie/Freddie) are at it again in the name of saving the economy. These clowns have screwed this up as they did with the mortgage mess. They are spending money on everything but the important ones, JOBS/MORTGAGES. If I remember correctly didn't this all start with bad mortgages and mortgage packages?

These idiots made speeches about how wonderful the mortgage business is with Fannie/Freddie all the while it was stinking up the industry. Bad loans were being made and then packaged for Wall Street to purchase as investment vehicles only to fail when rates moved or the economy shook. Wall street should have know better and those that purchased these packages should have been FIRED not given a bonus. Congressman (Dodd/Kerry/Frank/Clinton/etc) pushed Fannie/Freddie to make loans for people that had no verifiable income or jobs because they were lower income citizens. OUR ELECTED OFFICALS PUSHED BAD LOANS AND THEN ACTED LIKE THEY HAD NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED, BULLSHIT. When questions came up about tightening the requirements for loans, those that did were accused of being "Racist". The idiots that called those "Racist" are now the same ones passing the stimulus package.

What the hell is wrong with the American people that they are too damn stupid to allow this to happen. Have we all become a bunch of sheep to be lead around and told what to do. This is our F--ing country and we let the select few control our lives. I'm sorry but people like Pelosi, Frank, Reid and the rest of the liars don't represent most Americans.

Only three weeks into Obama rein he has become the newest liar along with the rest. Yes, we know he didn't tell the truth during the campaign but what person does while running for office. Now he is just another empty suit letting Pelosi and Reid run the country.

In two years we can take back the conservative agenda that America needs and wipe out some of the damage done by this stimulus package. I can only hope it is not too late.

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