Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Crook in Government

Don’t you love the Democrats and the two different standards they have for crooks in government. When a republican is indicted they want his head and make no bones they must leave now. We have watched as they twisted with Jefferson and what to do. Maybe the $90,000 found in the freezer two years ago was just some pocket change or I could say some “Cold Cash”. The leaders of the Democrat party at one time wanted Jefferson to serve on the intelligence committee. What do you think he would have sold from that position? What has happened since the freezer raid, nothing. If that was you or I we'd be counting the bars in our cell.

Don’t we love having a bribe taker on the Homeland Security Committee? Think of the brides he can take from that position and we can thank Nancy for this. She may not be the brightest bulb in the government, but she does know how to be two faced when it comes to crooks in her party.

If you take bribes and you are a Democrat, it is alright and you can continue getting a committee position. She knew he was dirty two years ago and buried her head in the sand instead of doing what was right. He should have had no committee appointment and left to twist in the wind until he was cleared.

Just the appearance of wrong doing is enough to make the American people sick and it continues our belief that most politicians are crooks.

We had the “Countrywide Funding” group that got special rates terms or whatever. Dems strike again and we are supposed to believe it was all innocent. If you believe that I have a Banana mine in Alabama for sale.

Our elected leaders better straighten up as WE the American people are tired of the activities going on in OUR government.

Remember, YOU WORK FOR US and most of US don’t trust you any longer.

D. Walker

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